Cargo, Hazardous category A MSC AMBRA is currently located at EAFR - East Africa at position 41° 18' 43.206" N, 2° 9' 8.2019" E as reported by Marine Intel Terrestrial Automatic Identification System on 2024-11-23 04:35 UTC ( / Days ago)
The wind in this area at that time blows from NorthWest (340°) direction at force 2 Beaufort.
The vessel is currently sailing at 0 knots with Southwest direction heading to ESBCNc0ChLI5kEEfYQ70
MSC AMBRA (IMO: 9839480) is a Cargo, Hazardous category A that was built in << 0000 (XX years ago) >> and is sailing under the flag of Panama.
It’s carrying capacity is << 58399 >> t DWT and her current draught is reported to be 153 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 400 meters and her width is 62 meters.
Position Received: 2024-11-23 04:35 UTC / Days ago
Vessel's Local Time: 2024-12-03 17:50 LT (UTC +13)
Current Port: Barcelona
Latitude / Longitude: 41.3120° / 2.1522°
Status: Moored
Speed/Course: 0 kn / 225.2°
AIS Source: AISHub Source
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